The most common reason for urinary incontinence in men is the enlargement of the prostate gland. Prostate enlargement is a natural phenomenon connected with ageing. It is the reason for many troublesome ailments of the urinary system. If you are a man past the age of 45 and are experiencing urinary incontinence, then your prostate might be the reason.
Who does this problem concern?
Prostate gland enlargement will eventually occur in nearly every man as they age, however only some men actually experience symptoms. Every man past the age of 45 should check their health by visiting a doctor at least once a year.

What is the nature of the problem?
The prostate gland is normally the size of a chestnut in younger men. As the gland enlarges with age, the prostate can put pressure on the urethra and narrow its diameter. Problems with urination are caused by this process of narrowing.
This so-called bladder outlet obstruction prevents complete voiding of the, so the bladder’s walls start to develop pathological structural changes. Residual urine can also lead to urinary system infections, bladder stones or weakening of the bladder muscles, causing urine to leak permanently.
The most common symptoms of prostate enlargement:
- pollakiuria
- urination at night
- sudden urge to urinate
- narrowing of the urine stream
- interrupted urination
- urine dribbling after voiding
- sensation of a full bladder after urination
- difficulties with urination, disuria.
NOTE – these symptoms may show the presence of other diseases – consult your doctor if you experience any of the above.
Prostate gland diagnosing is carried out according to the standards established by the international committee acting under the patronage of the World Health Organization (WHO).
The examination should include:
- Physical exam and medical history
- Digital rectal exam
- Lab tests – including urinalysis and PSA testing
- Additional tests may include ultrasound and uroflowmetry
- Treatment depends on the extent of prostate enlargement: In the case of men who were diagnosed with benign prostate enlargement but who are not experiencing symptoms, the typical course of action is referred to as “watchful waiting.” This term is used for wider preventative treatment connected with the observation of the prostate’s condition. You need to be examined once a year, modify your diet, and follow the doctor’s advice.
- If the benign prostate enlargement causes problems with the urinary system, then it is time to consider medication. This can be especially effective in the initial stages of the condition. Your doctor will explain the details of such treatment.
- Surgery is recommended in about 10% of cases of prostate enlargement.
It is important to remember that benign prostate enlargement is not a malignant tumor, however, ignoring signs and not getting treatment may result in the development of prostate cancer
How to Help Yourself
- If you are over 45 years old, visit your doctor regularly.
- If you notice signs of prostate enlargement, don’t postpone seeing the doctor. Remember that the sooner a disease is diagnosed, the easier and faster it will be to cure it.
- Urinary incontinence can be troublesome. If you want to ensure your comfort and discretion while protecting yourself, use Seni Man bladder control guards.