The arrival of a baby brings immense joy to parents and also calls for soiled diaper changes as often as ten times a day. New mothers come a long way from first asking – “Is it safe to use diapers for newborn babies?” to realizing that the answer is always – yes, as long as they are natural and free of additives or chemicals. Mothers spend hours, in the end, reading up on how exactly one selects the right baby diapers for newborn chubs. Though it might seem like a daunting task in the beginning – especially with constant differing parenting advice from everyone around you – we promise you that the process will eventually ease out. To save you from experimenting with several products, we are here to guide you to the right aisle for ideal baby diapers for newborns.
To start with – Your primary goal must be to ensure you wrap your baby in a comfortable breathe-easy diaper because if they don’t suit your baby, he/she will be irritable, uncomfortable, and cranky. Wrong ones also might lead to diaper rashes and skin irritability owing to their sensitive baby folds. The market is filled with brands of different kinds of diapers and while the primary choice is between cloth and disposable, there are numerous options within both categories: from ultra-convenient disposable diapers to baby diapers washable and baby diapers reusable.
This ingenious invention of a diaper has been evolving for generations and over time, have begun to prioritize convenience and comfort so that parents can find just the right kind for their little bundle of joy. The following are some factors you must keep in mind while scouring through baby diapers online:
Know that Size Matters
The selection of the perfect baby diapers for a newborn comes on knowing the right size. The size of the diaper varies depending on your baby’s weight. Commonly, diapers range in five sizes right from newborn to extra-large. Parents need to be careful in choosing appropriately – the wrong size can lead to inconvenience and discomfort including leakage, rashes, blowout etc.
Additionally, as your baby grows, you will find that the size of the diapers needs to be changed every few months. Hence it is best to avoid stocking up on one size and buying newborn baby diapers in bulk. The appended chart can help in determining the right diaper size for your newborn.
Type Baby’s Weight
Newborn 2 – 4.5 kgs
Small 3 – 6 kgs
Medium 6 – 12 kgs
Large 10 – 16 kgs
XL 16 kgs or more
To ensure you have purchased the right size, check if the diaper sits straight and is equally proportioned on your baby’s bottom. Make sure that the baby’s waist is snug with the diaper fitted under the belly button. Lastly, the right diaper size is an indicator of comfortable and unrestricted movement by the baby.
Know the Features of Your Diaper
There is more to a diaper than its feel and fit. First and foremost they need to be highly absorbent without leaking or becoming saggy. A leaking diaper leads to dampness which results in rashes and irritation. While these could be treated with a baby diaper rash cream, it is best to ensure precaution while choosing diapers.

Secondly, ensure that the diaper is made out of soft and breathable materials like cotton and bamboo fibres that do not restrict airflow to the baby’s bottom. To find baby diapers best suited for your little one, you can simply look them up online or on e-commerce platforms by typing the discussed features you’d like to see in the product.
Bella Baby Diapers is one such brand that showcases baby diapers online sparing little room for compromise on comfort and care.
Be Environmentally Aware
The waste generated by baby diapers adds tremendous pressure onto the environment and can lie in landfills for more than 500 years. This prompts for use of either reusable cloth or organic diapers so that we can raise our next generation in a greener and more beautiful world.
Moreover, synthetic diapers contain plastic, perfumes, and several other harmful chemicals that must be kept away from the delicate skin of babies. Organic and biodegradable diapers are the best solution to prevent baby diaper rash.